lunes, 8 de enero de 2018

Slumdog millionaire

Slumdog Millionaire 
the film reflects the social problems that we live in
world as prostitution, theft, mafias, conflicts for religion problems which the world becomes deaf and blind, without realizing that with these actions causes problems to continue to rise, it is reflected that the best education does not gives the best university that gives you life, you form through experiences that is what the protagonist lived, we can also realize that the traumas of childhood impact on your personality that this stage is where the
person is more vulnerable, the love of the family is also reflected in spite of all the conflicts, the stereotypes on the part of the

society are obvious because, because they are poor and without studies, nobody believes that they could have won a knowledge contest
Knowledge or Experience, which one is better?
In some cases, one of the common conflicts that people who are the owner of a factory or a own business don’t know if it is more important knowledge or experience, in my opinion, the director of the movie Slumdog millionaire present us this situation in a magnificent way, Jamal is a young guy who has learned a lot of things due to the different experiences that he has lived throughout his life, unfortunately, we live in a society in which stereotypes control our behaviour that´s way the police and also the director of the program who wants to be a millionaire don´t trust in Jamal, but at the end, we can see how in some cases experiences can help people to acquire more knowledge that the one that you are able to learn in any institution.
What I mean with this is such we need to start to focus un the development of people and forget bout a title or a degree, that things can help you to get a reference, but at the end every single person demonstrates if he or she is worthy or not in this society.
Friendship against situations.
People sometimes say that friends are like treasures really difficult to find, but Mr Doyle demonstrate us in his movie that is not too difficult, wat you need to do is to search that person who is going to be your confident, that´s why Jamal  and Latika became, through the movie we can see how they continue being friends no matter the huge problems that they faced every single day of their lives, at the end, friendship and happiness is the gift that life gives you as a remuneration for all the problems that you have passed, apart from this, in our opinion we think that Jamal and Latika will be grateful of the sacrifice of Salim due to his death, they now are able to live together and feel something that people some times don´t find.

(Segnorasque, 2016)

(The Hollywood report, 2012)

 (Giverny, 2016)
(Oscar, 2009) 

(Fox, 2008)

(Screenrush, 2009) (2018). [online] Available at: [Accessed 8 Jan. 2018].
Señ (2017). El niño de 'Slumdog millionaire' reaparece con nominación al Oscar y un espectacular físico. [online] Available at: [Accessed 8 Jan. 2018].
The Hollywood Reporter. (2018). Meet the Kids From 'Slumdog Millionaire,' Five Years Later. [online] Available at: [Accessed 8 Jan. 2018].
YouTube. (2018). Slumdog Millionaire - Dev Patel - Interview. [online] Available at: [Accessed 8 Jan. 2018].
YouTube. (2018). Slumdog Millionaire - Trailer. [online] Available at: [Accessed 8 Jan. 2018].
YouTube. (2018). Slumdog Millionaire Wins Best Picture: 2009 Oscars. [online] Available at: [Accessed 8 Jan. 2018].